You’re extremely agreeable and natural in the way you interact with others, and enjoy cooperating with them, feeling far less inhibited in social situations than you might ordinarily be. Making the most of any opportunities could turn out beneficially for you and be of immense importance, bringing you lasting future happiness.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Questionable conductYou’re involved in frequent conversations but unfortunately you tend to push yourself forward at the expense of others, not on purpose, but in a particularly annoying way. Take a step back occasionally, look at things from the viewpoint of an unbiased observer. You’re then able to see clearly the affect you have on others and alter your conduct accordingly.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 RelaxEverything is not going as well as you hoped and as a result, the pressures and anxieties of life take their toll. This is mainly due to you trying considerably harder to counter your run of bad luck by being overly efficient. If you find this is the case relax, accept sometimes what you’re trying to achieve isn't possible and allow yourself a special treat instead.